Documentary about a skateboard tour in Qatar with part of the Nike Sb team from Spain.
With Daniel Rubio, Juan Algora, Daniel López De Ipiña, Adrián Del Campo & Daniel Lebrón Filmed by Enrique Mayor & David Moreda Produced by Iván Jiménez Edited by Enrique Mayor
Versión en español aquí
This probably one of the best skate edits i have seen for a long time. really like.
Love is complicated, especially when two inanimate objects, lost in an underground car park, find each other. This film tells the unlikely love story between a Victorian Dress and a Mechanic Overall. The audience witnesses the exploration of the class divides through the first step into a new relationship.
directed by Ian Emma Bonhote & Fernando Del Reginato music by Soundtree sound design by Echolab
A short skateboard video from SALAZAR featuring, Bradley Sheppard, Alien, Nate Lacoste, Chris Connolly, Nate Roline, Stacy Gabriel, Desmond Hoostie, Mike Klinkhamer, and Rob Rickaby
Directed By Liam Mitchell Cinematography by Nathan Drillot and Liam Mitchell
really nice edit, like the idea of powder paint. nice.
Another really nice skate edit.>
Really nice skate edit>
Salt mark
click on link below to watch:
When teenage girl is forced to visit her grandfather she must make a stark choice: his dignity or her own?
This is probably one of my favorite shorts that i have watched lately, really moving. showing how the girl can start of with the embarrassment to be with her grandfather, then remorse for her actions and then back to empathy for her grandfather and the situation that he is in.
The film has a feel of slowness and peacefulness that runs through it by the slow cuts and just the hand held camera shots that give the viewer an gaze into this girls sorrows of having to spend a day with her grandfather. it works well the way on the sequence when the girl and her grandfather are having a cup of tea and the camera is filming from the other arm chair almost gives the feeling that the you the viewer are in the room with them.
A young man's personal search unlocks a series of revelations and recriminations that escalate from the emotional, via the darkly comic to the plain farcical. A short comedy starring Oscar-nominee Imelda Staunton, from the team behind acclaimed short "Goodbye to the Normals".
A man has become a human directional in order to be with his thoughts. Sadly, he realises he doesn't have the thoughts to sustain this lifestyle with boredom taking over his days
Ctrl.Alt.Shift is a movement for a new generation fighting social and global injustice. These films were made by members of the community to raise awareness of issues they care about.
Writer and Director: Fern Berresford
Mentor: Kinga Burza
Music: The Young Knives
This two-minute short, based around gender + power, tackles the treatment of women as property and the lack of self worth and identity women feel due to the gender inequalities prevalent in many societies.
Really moving piece , cinematography is really nice and makes it very gripping. really like it.
When I was asked to interpret this still, a thousand different ideas flooded my mind. I wanted to create a dynamic film that took the audience on a journey and showed off the many strengths of this new breed of HD DSLR cameras, such as the Canon 7D, which we shot this film with. The camera's low light capabilities and light weight allow you to do things you'd never think to try with traditional cameras. This has been an amazing experience and it’s just the beginning. I hope you enjoy this short - we had a blast making it!" vimeo website
I really like this short form vincent lafroat, i love the way the story has been based on the orginal photograph this has made me think of how i could do similar ideas based on photographs i have. i like this way of thinking, how when we see any photograph people try to put some sort of meaning or try to understand the "story" behind the image. this is ones man video on his imagination of what could happen to the teddy bear. i cant wait to see how the story continues.
This has given me an idea of taking photos i see and writing a story behind or about it. try and get out of hole of sitting at my desk trying to think of a bases for short films. when i can just use a photo and my imagination and see where it takes me.
please comment on your own ideas of how the story could continue, or how using this method has helped you if it has.
look forward to hearing your ideas and stories...many thanks Tom Jeffery
hi this is my first ever post, this is also my first blog, this is how i am going to do this, i am just going to put up all videos and stuff i like and that has also influenced me. i hope to have people comment on the posts that i make about videos and share videos that they like etc.. share the love/