Saturday, 31 July 2010

Really nice video produced by burn, they produce videos with amazing visuals and this one really shows an insight into this remarkable talent. Its really innovative how he uses the urban backdrop as a playground for seeking new sounds.

Burn Ignite presents :: PLAYGROUND :: Julius Wright a.k.a Lyrical God from Burn Ignite on Vimeo.

Julius Wright a.k.a Lyrical God sees the world as a "playground". Julius is a 21-year-old Philadelphian beat/rap artist, a combination of urban percussionist and MC, whose exceptional talents combine to deliver a moving and sometimes brutal street soundscape.

Anything he can pen-tap or beat on is used for his music - stop signs, trash cans, post boxes - the city of Philadelphia becomes a re-appropriated soundboard reflecting the rhythm of his life.

Wright picked up a pen and started tapping on his school desk in the eighth grade and has now grown from the street to the studio. Julius tells us the city made him who he is, he in turn has remade the city, digging out its hidden rhythms and reaching out to its people.

This film was created alongside two other Burn productions, one a film portrait featuring Jess Kimura and the all-girl hardcore snowboarding film collective Peep Show, and the other a short film collaboration on the ultimate Mexico City street skate, featuring LA legend Steve Berra.

Burn Studios, aka Burn music, seeks to highlight individuals passion for what they do by exploring how they channel their energies in music.

Diary of a disappointed book.
Really like this short film the shots that are done really well, an insight into the life of this book, lovely piece.

The Diary of a Disappointed Book from Studiocanoe on Vimeo.

This short film tells a disappointing year in the life of a book. Though they might often be our most treasured possessions, it is remarkable how easily books can be neglected, mistreated and sometimes even lost.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Its been long time since i posted something on this blog, starting to put things that inspire me again.

Getting a DSLR soon so going to start making my own video soon, cant wait.

For the time being here is a video that moved me emotionley, really well done.

MOMENTOS from Nuno Rocha on Vimeo.

This is a short-film I wrote and directed for LG Portugal. The concept, "Life's good" was the main purpose of this work.